
Recently I am or was present with my artwork as follows:

 Until September 30, 2024 the ARTe Wiesbaden has a continuation

because the analog exhibition is followed by a digital exhibition.

The access is via the qr-code above.

While wandering through this exhibition

one can click at the artworks and they will be enlarged for more precise inspection.

In my case one can also click an interview I have given about my art-work –

but it is all in German.

During the art fair "ARTe Wiesbaden" from 13th to 15th of August 2024

the NGO "Paul Klinger Künstlersozialwerk" runs an image-campaign.

I participate in this campaign.

On this occasion a well designed catalogue will be published

presenting my work this way.

 In September 2024 during the art-fair "ARTe Wiesbaden"

some of my works will be featured in an online exhibition

that promotes the very meritorious mission

of Paul Klinger Künstlersozialwerk.

I feel very honored.

 Since April 2024 one of my works is shown

in Mr. Baker's Coffeehouse at Steinstrasse 12, Munich/Haidhausen.

Thanks from the heart to the owner Dorothea Sigel!

More works will follow,

as soon as there is more space on the walls of this enchanting place.

 In March 2024 the work created inGoa/India in collaboration

with the Wuppertal based painter Martina Kaufmann

was presented in the Easter Calendar of Paul Klinger Künstlersozialwerk.

 In March 2024 the very Bavarian magazine MUH

celebrated my work with a six-page feature story.

 In January 2024 during a stay in Goa/India

 I carried out a spontaneous saving in an abandoned portugese villa from colonial times 

near the town of Margao.

The compaction of the findings led to a first cooperation

with the very inspiring painter MARTINA KAUFMANN from Wuppertal/Germany.

She created the red background made of holy hinduistic Kumkum-powder.

A very promising cooperation that we will carry forward on a much higher level.

 In October 2023 I was invited to contribute with one of my steles

to the Halloween installation

of the fantastic, surreal, playful, political and very pleasant ATELIER M&M in Munich.

I followed this invitation with great pleasure.

 In October 2023 this review regardig the exhibition


to which I contributed my impressive ensemble TOTENBRETT

was published in the local newspaper.

In July 2023 just by chance I came across the fact

that in the prestigious newspapar SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG

the author of an ironic article about Bavarian slang

mentioned my exhibition MISSION GRAFFL

because the word "Graffl" in Bavaria means "old and useless things".

 In March 2023 the very important magazine AVISO

published by the Bavarian Stateministry of Sience and Arts

appreciates my work with a great feature-story.

This magazine as well as earlier editions can be read as e-paper

under the following link:


 In May 2023 the catalogue featuring my exhibition MISSION GRAFFL

was editetd and handed over to me

by Timm Miersch, director of FREILICHTMUSUEM MASSING .

 In October 2022 this review on the occasion of the autumn-opening


In July 2022 the catalogue documenting Lee Mingweis exhibition LI, GIFTS & RITUALS

that was shown during summer 2021 at VILLA STUCK, Munich was published.

It shows me and MITNAHMEDINGE,

the installation of neo-archeological savings

I contributed as guest to the project THE LIVING ROOM.

In July 2022 I welcomed the opportunity

to express myself through the completely unfamiliar medium of action paintig.

It all happened during the seminar


by the very inspiring artist Camilla Korte at Eressos/Lesvos/Greece.

In June 2022 I received a grant from the Government of Upper Bavaria

to put my project MISSION GRAFFL into action.

In February and March 2022 I was invited

as the first Artist in Residence

at the creative community THE ZEN HOUSE in Tulum/Mexico.

In January 2022 I had my first image- and information-brochure printed.

An important statement as well as an important tool

to promote my work.

 In September 2021 I applied for the Luxembourg Art Price 2021.

I did not win one of the three highly endowed main awards

but received this certificate of appreciation ...

... whatever it may be good for.

In August 2021 I was invited

to contribute to LEE MINGWEI'S projekt THE LIVING ROOM at VILLA STUCK, Munich

with an installation of my neo-archeological savings

which I named MITNAHMEDINGE.

In July 2021 a one hour long radio-interview with me

about my neo-archeological savings was broadcasted.

In July 2021 the poster promoting the exhibition


to which I contributed several works

featured two of my steles that I had errected one year earlier at Zichliontas Beach.

In January 2021 the art-hotel CASA LUNA, Tulsayab/Mexico

acquired my majestic stele WIRES I had produced there for its sculpture-park.

On September 2020 I was invited to show three small arrangements

of my neo-archeological savings

during the group-exhibition WAS MENSCHEN BERÜHRT"

in the lobby of the Bavarian Stateminsistry of Social Affairs.

My first ever appearance as an object-artist.