
Matthias Weigold

MAN AT WORK – at the attic of an abandoned guesthouse
MAN AT WORK – at the attic of an abandoned guesthouse

About me:


     As a journalist, photographer and book writer I always was a storyteller – and reported from many countries of Europe, from USA, Northern Africa, Asia and Australia. And I always used words and pictures.

     But with the years I realized, that objects just by being there tell stories too – and go into harmony or conflict with each other when brought together.

     So I started collecting objects: Alligator's teeth from Florida, pieces of holy posters from Ladakh, a snake's skin from Italy, thrown away playing cards from India, a rusty brooch from Morocco, a knife from Australia, the handle of a coffin from Ireland, a cartridge case from Korfu Island.

     In the beginning it was kind of randomly picking up exotic memorabilia. Then, five years ago, I started to organize and systemize my randomly collecting into professional saving. When time is limited I only outlay my findings but even by doing so very powerful arrangements develop. Compacting the findings into tied bundles ore steles takes much more time and craftsmanship. But this deliberately performed bundling has something very important with it: In Afrika the mysterious "Juju-Men" use to bundle objects to give them the magic power of fetishes. I like to follow this tradition of empowering objects.

     Since the year 2019 I invest as much time in my neo-archeological savings as in my work as a writer and photographer.