
2024 – ARTe Kunstmesse – Wiesbaden

DAS WERBEPLAKAT für die Kunstmesse
DAS WERBEPLAKAT für die Kunstmesse

Project Description


     The very meritoriously active NGO "Paul Klinger Künstlersozialwerk e.V." (PKS) of which I am a member, run an image campaign during the art fair ARTe Wiesbaden.

   The one aim was to call attention to PKS's main activity field of advisory service regarding social security as well as finance emergency aid services.

   The other aim was to demonstrate that the PKS actively promotes the visibility of its visual artists.

   I was proud to contribute with one of my ensembles to this image campaign. And my special thank goes to the project initiator Vivien Rathjen (www.kontext-werk.de) – whom you can see dressed in the pink jacket on some of the pictures below..

2023 – "Hommage an I. Bachmann" – Gallery Art Active, Passau

DER OPEN CALL und mein Totenbrett
DER OPEN CALL und mein Totenbrett

Project Description


     This OPEN CALL for an exhibition at Art Active Gallery in Passau / Lower Bavaria to honour the famous austrian/german lyricist Ingeborg Bachmann 50 years after her untimely and tragic death seemed very attractive to me.

     The challenge regarding the concept: Ingeborg Bachman never has visited Passau or had any relation to this beautiful city. How to connect her with Passau?

     What I did: I created a piece called "Totenbrett" for her. Because in the rural mountain areas in the north and northwest of Passau in older times people laid the corpses of passed away people on wooden boards until the coffin was built (or in winter time until the spring came and the frozen ground has melted to bury them).

     After the official burial these boards (= Totenbretter) were dcorated with the name of the deceased and sometimes a wise saying or a picture and then errected near crossroads for ongoing remembering.

     For me that seemed to be the perfect approach – and so I used my own archive of findings and my  private library as location for a neo-archeological rescue and created a "Totenbrett" to remember the fate and honour the brilliance of Ingeborg Bachmann.

2022/23 – "Mission Graffl" – Freilichtmuseum Massing

HINWEIS AUF DIE AUSSTELLUNG auf der Website des Mueums
HINWEIS AUF DIE AUSSTELLUNG auf der Website des Mueums

Project Description


Rescues in a wider-ranging scale

     This neo-archeological expedition was focussed on the south-east of Lower Bavaria. Because here many abandoned old farmhouses or uninhabitated buildings in the old centers of the small towns will be found.

     In the months of August and September 2022 I performed my rescues at eleven chosen locations in Lower Bavaria and showed the results (= my artifical steles, ensembles and bundles) in an exhibition, documenting all steps of my work and organizing medial coverage.

     The old farmhouse "Marxensölde" re-errected at the site of the Freilichtmuseum Massing (= open air museum near the village of Massing in Lower Bavaria) offerd the absolutely perfect location for my exhibition. I want to thank the curator of this museum, Mr. Timm Miersch, and the museum's consultant, Mrs. Mia Goller, who made my first big solo-show possible.

     Very important: This project was sponsored by the Government of Upper Bavaria through the program "Young Arts and New Approaches".

2021 – "The Living Room" – Villa Stuck, München

THE INVITATION for the opening night
THE INVITATION for the opening night

Project Description


     The taiwanese-american artist Lee Mingwei is well acclaimed not only for his exhibited works but mostly for projects with people/visitors actively invited to become involved in it and be part of it.

     When he was granted the impressive show "Li, Presents & Rituals" at Villa Stuck in Munich part of the whole setting was the projekt "The Living Room". People were aked to fill an elegantely furnished but beyond that completely empty room with their own personal things for a week and live there for several hours.

     I was one of chosen to give identity and personality to "The Living Room" with a wide up-to-date selection of my neo-archeological findings. I named this retrospective "MitnahmeDinge". And I enjoyed the hours in "My Living Room" with many visitors coming and wantig to know about my work.

2021 – "The Rough and the Beauty" – Gallery at Hara, Skala Eresou, Lesbos, Griechenland

ORT DES GESCHEHENS – Die Galerie im Obergeschoß der Hara Beach Bar
ORT DES GESCHEHENS – Die Galerie im Obergeschoß der Hara Beach Bar

Procekt Description


The Situation:

     In Skala Eresou, the old fishing harbour of Eresos village now a vivid tourist place, two entrepreneurs had opened the stylish "Hara Beach Bar" and planned to turn the upper floor into an art-gallery. I was asked to be one of the artists to contribute to the opening exhibition.

     So instead of taking the normal neo-archeological approach, first focussing on an exactly chosen location and then see which findings the could be saved, I focussed now on the result, on the best possible quality of the arranged findings for the exhibition. Therefore I made the whole village of Eresos the location of my savings.

     In addition to that, as another artist of the opening exhibition, Katell Gélébart arrived on the island, internationally renowned eco-designer, with whom I had worked together already in 2020. And again a very productive co-operation began especially by exchanging our findings: In an abandoned house I saved an old dictionary that dated from 1898 wich turned out to become Katell's masterpiece of the exhibition – telling a phantastic story in pictured haikus by using every single page for an ongoing collage. A rusty metal ladder found by Katell at roadside in a garbage place turned out to become my masterpiece – intensifying it with an overload of rough findings into a surreal stele.

2020/21 – "Was Menschen berührt" – Lobby of the Bavarian Stateministry of Social Affairs, München

THE ADVERTISING of the exhibition – with my name on it.
THE ADVERTISING of the exhibition – with my name on it.

Project Description


     As a kind of newcomer to the art-scene in the year 2020 I felt methodically und regarding crafting skills ready to show my work on the occasionn of official exhibitions.

     The perfect oportunity to start with was the adjudicated group-exhibition of the "Paul Klinger Künstlersozialwerk (PKS)" in the lobby of the Bavarian Stateministry of Social Affairs. But because my self-confidence was not very strong at that time I applied only with an arangement of three small enembles. But the jury accepted my work – and I celebrated my first exhibition!